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Remy Clips Hair Blog

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (and gorgeous hair too)

Let's face it...gorgeous hair is a must have! Right? Do you LOVE your hair, or are you like most girls, you just just try to deal with what nature gave you and envy those with beautiful long tresses? I have good news! You don't have to dream of long beautiful hair anymore. Hooray for clip in hair extensions and halo hair extensions.

I don't know about you but I hate to wait. Being part of the generation of instant gratification, you no longer have to wait to have long sexy hair. Clip in extensions and halo hair extensions give you long beautiful length and the volume and fullness you have always dreamed of. No more waiting! With Remy Clips variety of colors, gram weights, textures, (straight and wavy), you can have a new look everyday with little to no effort! I personally have one clip in hair set that I keep straight for any hairstyle that requires a straight sleek sexy look, and I keep one set of clip on hair for the times I want a curly or wavy look. This keeps my "getting ready" time down to a minimum, and I NEVER have to worry about what I will do with my hair because I now have options. My hair always looks awesome! It's truly a win - win!

Clip in hair extensions and halo hair (if they are remy human hair extensions) can be washed, curled and styled like your own hair. Always keep the heat styling temps low, (350 degrees or less) and go easy on constantly heat styling your clip ins or halo hair and they will last longer. They are easy to put on, (literally takes seconds) and they don't cause damage to your natural hair. There is no commitment if you have days where you don't want to wear your remy hair extensions. (heaven forbid!!!!) So....if you have'nt taken the plunge and invested in clip in hair or halo extensions, I encourage you to jump on in! Once you do, it will change your life and there will be no going back. YOU CAN THANK ME LATER.... ;-)

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